The production of a legendary Morse keys was preserved for the future:

The Profi M

The history of SCHURR wabblers SCHURR wabbler Museum

The Profi M replaces the Profi-2-series.

As Gerhard Schurr already said, creating something new is long overdue. He developed the Profi M, built prototypes that were tested extensively and wanted to start a small series production. Unfortunately his health no longer allowed this and so he turned the production over to Stefan Bergsiek.

Springs are no longer used in the construction of these keys. The Paddle-Return is effected using incorporated magnets which can be individually adjusted for each paddle.

The paddles are mounted using hardened steel cylindrical pins in brass sleeve bearing insuring complete elimination of play and backlash. This combination makes the paddle mounting completely maintenance free! Another advantage of this paddle mounting method is that unlike a ball bearing, the lubrication cannot dry out and so over time make the paddle stiff or require new bearings. No adjustment of the bearings or paddle mounting is required.

The Profi M is supplied ready to connect with a 1.5 m long high quality cable and 3.5-mm-plug.

The key is completely constructed in brass and is available with various base plates as well as different finger paddle colors (transparent, cherry red, blue, black) and paddle-shapes (as the customer wishes).

The basic version of the Profi M is primarily intended for portable operation (but naturally is excellent for fixed station operation) has a base plate measuring 60 × 15 × 100 mm. and weighs approximately 1 kg.

All keys can be supplied with knurled or plain polished adjustment screws.

The base plates can also be supplied in stainless steel. This version as well as the brass version is available either polished or glass pearl blasted.

Optional extras are possible at a slight additional cost.

All keys are produced in traditional precision hand work in small quantities.

Stefan Bergsiek

(0 52 21) 38 79 65